[message]Autumn Dusk Spirits
Extremely Rare Crypt Demon/Demoness – Choose Vessel, Gender, Level & More
Extremely Rare Crypt Demon/Demoness – Choose Vessel, Gender, Level & More
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This listing is for the stone or direct/remote bind that will serve as the vessel for a Crypt Demon/Demoness. As with all types of spirits/entities, they come in “levels/power” and my prices reflect this, but I want to make this, my first Crypt Demon/Demoness listing, clear.
These extraordinarily rare demons/demonesses preside in multiple realms and are among us. Many believe they are menacing all of the time, even to their companions; however I have not found this to be true – otherwise, why would anyone want a Crypt Demon/Demoness in their lives? True, they are the Masters of Death and are dark arts – black arts in nature. However, I have always found them to be profoundly protective of their companions, and are not at all dangerous or harmful to them. This is not to say they are easy spirits/entities to have within one’s spirit family. It takes someone who has the experience and is prepared to control those who dwell in dark and black arts. (Please message me if you have any questions, or are unsure if you would be a good companion for a Crypt Demon/Demoness.)
There are many forms a Crypt Demon/Demoness can take. The images posted for the Demon and Demoness are of how they may look. Much depends on how they appear and act: their age, upbringing/history, general nature, purpose, and, most importantly, their new companion’s stand on various issues – and how to act/react. Crypt Demons/Demonesses I offer for companions aren't uncontrollable, nor pure evil, and will not betray their companion.
Their strength is shrouded in darkness and death. This strengthens their energy and brings them joy. Venturing to a local century or (for a spirit/entity who travels from realm to realm) this could include the Underworld, death pools in other realms, etc. They not only gain energy from the dead but are also overseers and protectors of the dead. There is good and evil in Crypt Demons/Demonesses, and it is important to plan how to bring one into your life, what is expected of them, and to prepare how to give them direction and boundaries of their role as they join their new companion.
There are many Crypt Demons/Demonesses, but few will allow themselves to become a companion to a human. This is a rare gift and blessing for both the Demon/Demoness and the human companion.
There are seemingly endless types/levels of Crypt Demons/Demonesses. The listed price reflects the power and ability they will provide their companion.
Review the various types of Crypt Demons/Demonesses, and determine which fits your level and expertise, and what you seek from the Demon/Demoness. As always, please reach out if you are unsure – I will guide you, and help to determine which is most suitable.
Crypt Demon/Demoness Soldier:
A Crypt Demon/Demoness Soldier is a “beginner” or the lowest-ranked Crypt Demon/Demoness. Most often this is due to youth or inexperience, but not all are related to their abilities, or the power(s) that can develop. Even a Soldier is tremendously powerful, and just beginning their journey as a Crypt Demon/Demoness. They are best for those with little experience with darker spirits/entities. They are more mailable and can be, in a large way, formed by the companion to be and do what they seek. Of course, they already possess abilities that are naturally a part of them. These abilities can grow exponentially in the direction of the companion’s choice. They most typically work with dark and black arts magick and revenge magick.
Crypt Demon/Demoness Shadow:
This type of Crypt Demon/Demoness is known as a “Shadow.” They are referred to as Prowlers, Stalkers, Tracers, Lurkers, Tormenters, and Trackers. They are quietly, stealthily powerful – rather than in an overt way as are other Crypt Demons/Demonesses. In many ways, this makes them more powerful than other types of Crypt Demons/Demonesses because of their quiet movements, and often more cerebral and tactical with every move – good or bad. Quite often they will track, follow, and swoop upon their prey. “Prey” could mean many things, depending on the Crypt Demon/Demoness Shadow and their companion’s guidance and boundaries. The most common places for them to do their shadowing are, not surprisingly, graveyards and crypts. This takes great patience, which says a lot about the Shadows. They are adept in mind control, telekinesis, telepathy, and powerful mind control. Not surprisingly, shadow magick is often used. Shadow Magick is not always dark magic, it can also be white/grey.
Crypt Demon Seducer/Crypt Demoness Seductress:
Just as the name suggests, this type of Crypt Demon/Demoness is seductive, and sexual, and lures their prey with their lustful gesture and shrouds themselves in the façade of a gorgeous human. They are fantastic for revenge magick, mind (and body) control, voodoo, blood magick, curses, hexes (and can remove them), and necromancy. One could call them charlatans because their main goal is to entice, deceive, and ultimately gain something from it that will benefit them, and at times, their companion. Seducers are exuberant, ambitious, often ruthless, extremely high energy, and have total focus on what they wish to gain. They can be endlessly helpful in bringing lovers to their companions, seducing/growing the love, breaking up others, and vengeful love/relationships.
Emperor/Empress of all Crypt Demons/Demonesses.
This type of Crypt Demon/Demoness is the most powerful of all Crypt Demons/Demonesses. They possess all the abilities and powers of the Crypt Demons/Demonesses listed above. They have evolved far beyond other types of Crypt Demons/Demonesses – intellectually, telepathically, magickally, personally (Crypt Demon/Demoness to human), powerfully, (in every form), etc. The Lords Control the various layers of the Crypt. They usually have a territory that they oversee and Lord Over. They have servants and slaves who serve them and guards who walk with them. They are ruthless and vicious and will kill anyone at the first sign of treachery. They have to take these actions because if they do not they will be removed. They are very skilled fighters and incredible at working aggressive and hostile magic. They also are incredibly observant and can tell someone’s true intent. They are very watchful of their surroundings and very good at spotting dangers. They organize gatherings of Dark twisted rituals where Crypt demons gather and create pools of sinister and demented energies.
All types of Crypt Demons/Demonesses are invaluable in innumerable ways. Some of the ways they can aid their companion includes: Prosperity, Good luck, Good Fortune, Career Growth, Increased energy and positivity, Confidence, Courage, Increased magickal ability, Psychic growth and increase in third eye ability, Self-love, Empowering oneself to expand in all areas, Finding/Strengthening Love and romance, Astral travel, Astral projection (both of which are very different than Astral travel/projection with a lighter spirit/entity), Helping to grieve with passed loved ones, Communicating with spirits (human and non-human), Lucid dreaming (learning from dreams, communicating through dreams), Guarding and protection (although the Crypt Demon/Demoness will handle 99% of this), Deflection for curses, hexes, Deflection of negativity and unproductive events, Protect/Guard their companion and their loved ones, Be aware and thwart the onset of incoming negativity/curses/hexes/psychic attacks/tricksters/negative spirits-entities-energy, Shielding companion and loved ones from anything/anyone negative and/or harmful, Shielding the companion’s home with protective armor, (including the companion and loved ones), Increased (or learning) heightened clairvoyance, intuition/insight, Encourage (but not, at all, force) their companion to learn more about the world of darkness – the darker realms, etc., Engage in and learn more of black magick, Learn (increase ability) in Black Magick, Revenge magick, Learn (increase power/ability) curses/hexes/revenge magick, etc., Mind control,
Soul Mate:
Soul Mates/Life Companions are far more personal, life-changing, and powerful than a Soul Mate spirit/entity. These are spirits/entities who remain, gratefully, dutifully, with their companion beyond any service or specific ability that may be needed by the companion, and remain with them for a lifetime. This could be for various reasons, but most often they have come to know their human companion and wish to stay with them to protect, teach, aid, guide, and befriend on an endless basis. This is such a special, and quite rare with dark-black arts spirits/entities, so having a DA-BA Soul Mate is unusually uncommon.
Please message me with any questions or guidance needed.
*** Please indicate if you would like a tangible vessel: stone, ring (size?), bracelet, necklace/pendant, stone, or direct or remote bind, as well as gender preference.***
If a direct or remote bind is chosen all shipping charges will be refunded.
Many blessings!
Please message me for more information regarding this or any of my listings.
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